*This article is a guideline only and not to be construed as medical advice. Always contact your eye care doctor with questions and for recommended treatment options.

Sjögren’s Syndrome, a chronic autoimmune disorder affecting millions worldwide, primarily targets the body’s moisture-producing glands, leading to symptoms such as dry eyes and mouth. Recent years have witnessed groundbreaking research and significant strides in treating Sjögren’s Syndrome, offering hope to those living with this challenging condition. Here we outline some of the latest research and advances in Sjögren’s Syndrome treatment, shedding light on promising developments that could revolutionize patient care.

Biological Therapies: Unveiling Precision Medicine 

Cutting-edge research in Sjögren’s Syndrome treatment has paved the way for personalized approaches, specifically targeting the underlying immune system dysfunction. Biological therapies, also known as biologics, are designed to modify the immune response at a molecular level. These therapies aim to address the root cause of Sjögren’s Syndrome, providing a more targeted and efficient treatment option.

B-cell Targeted Therapies: Navigating the Immune System 

Recent studies have focused on the role of B-cells in Sjögren’s Syndrome, leading to the development of B-cell targeted therapies. Medications such as rituximab, which depletes B-cells, have shown promise in reducing symptoms and improving overall quality of life for patients. This breakthrough offers a new avenue for treatment, especially for those who have not responded well to traditional approaches.

Neurostimulation: Pioneering Innovative Solutions 

Researchers are exploring neurostimulation as a potential treatment for Sjögren’s Syndrome symptoms in a groundbreaking approach. By targeting the nerves that control tear and saliva production, neurostimulation aims to alleviate dry eyes and mouth. Early studies suggest that this innovative technique may provide relief for patients with persistent symptoms.

Cytokine Inhibitors: Balancing the Immune Response 

Cytokines, signaling proteins involved in the immune system response, play a crucial role in Sjögren’s Syndrome. Recent advancements include the development of cytokine inhibitors, which aim to regulate the immune response and reduce inflammation. Clinical trials are underway to assess the efficacy and safety of these inhibitors, offering hope for improved symptom management.

Salivary Gland Gene Therapy: Targeting the Source

Gene therapy is emerging as a potential game-changer in Sjögren’s Syndrome treatment. Researchers are investigating ways to deliver therapeutic genes directly to the salivary glands, promoting moisture production and mitigating symptoms. While still in the early stages of development, this approach holds promise for a more targeted and sustainable treatment option. This study explains more.

The landscape of Sjögren’s Syndrome treatment is rapidly evolving, thanks to ongoing research and groundbreaking discoveries. From precision medicine with biological therapies to innovative approaches like neurostimulation and gene therapy, the latest advancements offer renewed hope for individuals living with this challenging autoimmune disorder. As research progresses, these developments not only enhance symptom management but also pave the way for a brighter future for those affected by Sjögren’s Syndrome.

Treatment for Eyes Affected by Sjögrens Syndrome

If you are experiencing eye pain and vision loss from the effects of Sjögren’s Syndrome, you do not need to suffer. PROSE devices and scleral lenses are used to help individuals with severe and moderate dry eye and diseased and damaged corneas caused by Sjögren’s Syndrome. While scleral lenses can help many people, PROSE treatment addresses the underlying eye condition and uses fully custom scleral lens devices that vault over the corneal surface, creating a reservoir between the cornea and the lens. The reservoir is filled with preservative-free saline to bathe and hydrate the eye all day, providing immediate relief and comfort, and promoting healing. PROSE also provides greatly improved vision. Think of the lens as a “new” cornea, which creates the shape of a typical, healthy cornea. This allows light to enter the eye at the correct angle for excellent vision and reduced light sensitivity. Learn more about PROSE.